Marcus Leslie Singleton

Marcus Leslie Singleton (b. 1990) is a Seattle-born artist celebrated for his distinctive figurative paintings that deftly intertwine personal observations with broader societal themes. A devoted observer, Singleton is always armed with a notebook, capturing anything of interest, be it people, phrases, or random thoughts. Using the sketches as source material for his paintings, his process demands a delicate balance of interpretation and recollection. Through natural, carefree, and playful brush strokes, his work offers meditations on broader issues of race, representation and the historical significance of everyday moments; “I’m interested in creating new paths that aim to contextualize aesthetic beliefs and inspire people to unlearn and humanize us presently and, in the future,” Singleton explains. Using spontaneity, scale, and expressive placement of color, Singleton’s paintings offer a jovial yet serious perspective that is both poignant and bold.

Selected Works



Leasho Johnson


Barbara Nitke